How to Prevent a Heart Disease Ischemic Heart

Ischemic heart disease is a disease characterized by reduced blood supply
to the heart.As you well know the cause of most heart diseases is hardening of the arteries or blocked arteries. Complete occlusion of the blood vessel leads to a heart attack (myocardial infarction) which involves the death of the tissue of heart's muscle(ischemic necrosis). Most of the heart attacks are immediately fatal,unless the patients arrive at the hospital in time,in which case their chances of survival are higher. Statistics show that injections of magnesium sulfate within the first three hours of the attack has proven very efficient increasing survival by over 20%. The main objective of the medical treatment of heart attack survivors is the prevention of a second attack. The following things are recommended after a heart attack:

→Possible angioplasty or cardiac surgery.

→Possibly the regular administration of anti-coagulants to prevent further blood clot complications.

→Possibly the administration of drugs like digoxin, verapamil and amidarone to reduce heart arrhythmias although they many also induce arrhythmias.

→A daily intake of aspirin.

→Lifestyle modifications are important in prevention of a second MI; increased exercise, reduction of stress, and improved dietary considerations are perhaps most important.

Here are some very important advices that you sholud take into consideration for lowering the risk of a heart attack:stop smoking, stop eating foods which are high in fat,get some regular exercise and avoid excessive stress.

Avoidance of smoking and secondhand smoke represent a very important measure in avoiding cardiovascular disease. Studies has shown that smokers who quit lower their risk of stroke by 27% two years after stopping. Their risk reaches the level of non-smokers after about four years.

A healthy diet is the strongest protection against cardiovascular disease. A heart-healthy diet is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fat, cholesterol, meat, and sugar. It isn't necessary to eat perfect and you don't have to see this as a burden,but you should try to change your diet step by step,giving up the foods rich in fats and lowering your cholesterol level.

Most medical experts agree that a high total cholesterol level is a critical risk factor for cardiovascular disease and that a reduction in overall cholesterol levels is an important measure in preventing and treating atherosclerosis.

Finally,and most important,exercise is an important component in the rehabilitation of heart disease patients. Regular exercise helps prevent obesity and diabetes which are also important risk factors for heart disease.


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